Do not include HTML or site links as they will be rejected in your comments.
I am no longer providing links to other web sites that do not reciprocate with a link to this web site.
You can now download my latest version of Simplestripper version 2.4 to make tile strips for the older 45 rpm jukeboxes online.Please feel free to download it for your server or use our title strip maker on line on this site under jukeboxes.Here is the download link for those of you that would like to download it for your website.simplestripper version 2.4 download
This NMS FormMail Version 3.14c1 of FormMail is not just the standard NMS Version of Formmail!
It includes a spam filter that the user can adjust to his or her needs to stop 99% of the comment spam that comes from having a form for people to send comments to you with.As you review the text files below you will see that they are available as a text file that you can save and rename as whatever name you would like to name the file.
You should always use the extension .PL for the our_formmail.txt files (example save it as .
If you already are using NMS FormMail Version 3.14c1 then you already know how to set it up and you will only see a couple of additional entries and they are where you enter the words that you want to use to reject a comment.
You will also note that there is also a place to enter a default web page that after a message is sent it returns the user to after the comment is sent or rejected.
If you are not familiar with the original NMS Formmail then you may want to review the original version located from the sourceforge site here! Unless you are an expert you should stick to the Compat version as it is easiest to set up for new users!
Why use FormMail or other types of mailers? The answer is simple!
If you place a email address on your Web Site you are just asking for spam from every bot in the world! By using FormMail your email address is not on the Web Site to download so no one is able to pick out your email address!
Click here for my FormMail version to combat Spam. (text file)
Sample Form # 1 to work with FormMail (text)
Sample form #1 to work with FormMail (html)
Sample Form #2 to work with FormMail (text)
Sample Form #2 to work with FormMail (html)
Just another free piece of software written or improved on by Stephen Rice!