I am no longer providing links to other web sites that do not reciprocate with a link to this web site.
4/04/2024 .. I am in the process of updating the W1GAY site and converting from N4YZA former call sign site.
I hope to have it done over the next month or so. Thanks
Please provide me with feedback if you try it and like it or not.
4/04/2024 .. The contact us page is now working if you need to send a comment. Thanks
Stephen Rice and Ronnie Rice are working on a brand new site format and hope to have our site back up before long with more free software and other tidbits for all our friends!
Serving the Public on line since 1985 Steve has written many different software packages thathave been free to the public. Running one of the earlier BBS's in Maryland and can still be found in the archives of the early BBS lists.Programming using Basic, Visual Basic, Access,Early Machine Language, and other Steve providedmany different software packages from CCTV control to Remote Alarm Access.
Stephen Rice has been around from the early bbs days in the 1980's writing modern webcam software for the internet to free complex statistical software used by a Florida Health Departmenthelping document Services for People with AIDS that is still being used today. (Steve actually won the Golden Rule Volunteer of the year award for St. Lucie County, Florida that year)
Today Stephen and Ronnie Rice continue as advocates for people with AIDS as well as everyday people!